Contract Information
Sunset Design’s federal contracts provide federal agencies quick, convenient and easy-to-use access to Sunset Design’s capabilities under pre-negotiated terms and conditions. Under this simplified procurement process, Sunset Design can draw on its team of experts to make these services available with minimum paperwork under Time & Material, Firm-Fixed-Price, or Cost Option contracts.

GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)
Number: 47QTCA18D00JY
Expiration: 09/03/2028
Sunset Design is an approved General Services Administration (GSA) Business Partner and a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) participant, authorized to offer and contract services to all participating federal agencies through the GSA contracting process.
Under our GSA Multiple Award Schedule, Sunset Design has been approved for the following categories of work:
- IT Training (SIN 611420)
- Professional and Management Development Training (SIN 611430)
- IT Professional Services (SIN 54151S)
SeaPort Next Generation (SeaPort NxG)
Number: N0017825D7864
SeaPort Next Generation is the Navy Virtual SYSCOM Commanders’ as well as Military Sealift Command (MSC) and the United States Marine Corps (USMC) integrated approach to contracting for Professional Support Services (PSS). SeaPort NxG’s electronic procurement of Technical, Engineering, and other professional services represent a key strategy to meeting the Department of Navy (DON) contracting needs. SeaPort NxG preapproves a large & diverse community of contractors through a process called Rolling Admissions.

Want to Learn More?
Contact us for more information on Sunset Design’s government services, price lists, and ordering information.