Past Projects
Learning Management System
Project Type
Period of Performance
1998 – 2013
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command
Project Description
Sunset Design designed, created, and maintained a Learning Management System (LMS) for complete employee career development and management. This LMS managed NAVFAC’s Total Force Training, Professional Development Center (PDC) intern program, Leadership Development Program (LDP), Acquisition Online, Process Management and Audit Program (PMAP), and Online Surveys.
The LMS allowed for viewing course schedules, reading course reviews, paperless student registration, obtaining online supervisor approval, generation of course welcome letters, online training, course progress tracking, receiving course completion certificates, participation in online evaluations, and retrieval of training history for individuals (transcripts). This system tracked Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certifications, contracting officer warrants, and education levels as well.
Employees could view important information regarding their training, development, working experience, career advancement, and other communications. Administrative features allowed for inputting course information, setting course schedules, updating student information, and generating reports.
Program managers could augment their workforce through hiring PDC interns and administration of Naval Acquisition Intern Program (NAIP) and Naval Acquisition Associates Program (NAAP) interns. They had the ability to create and manage recruitment plans, including vacancies, positions filled, and pending offers. Program managers could generate various management reports. Prospective interns could view tentative offer letters and retrieve new hire forms.
The application process was managed by ensuring complete applications had been received and resumes and transcripts were properly formatted, accessible, and able to be viewed by the client. All applications were reviewed to ensure the applicant’s qualifications (work experience, degree, courses completed, Veteran Status) deem them qualified for the positions applied for. Once reviewed, the qualified applications were submitted to the appropriate hiring Command. Prior to posting applications, all Personally Identifiable Information (PII) was removed.
LDP Cadre Members tracked their progress in the LDP program, notified supervisors of milestone completions, and maintained program-related data. Program managers and Administrators could oversee progress, maintain program requirements, and generate metrics for reporting. Information dissemination was achieved through managing Acquisition contact lists, creating mass emails to the contracting community, ensuring Acquisition policy, and posting relevant news updates and communications.
Sunset Design was responsible for the accreditation of this system and the maintenance of the accreditation documents. The application was an accredited NMCI application. Additionally, this system met or exceeded all SECNAV, DoD, and NAVFAC IT policy and procedures, and was Section 508 and FIWC compliant.

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