CTC 337: Facilities Support Contracting

Duration: 3 Days
Training Subjects: Acquisition and Contracting
Format: Instructor-led Training and Virtual Instructor-led Training

The purpose of this course is to educate personnel on the use of Facility Support Contracts (FSCs) to obtain public works support services. Facility Support is one of the core business areas for which NAVFAC procures contracts such as grounds maintenance, janitorial, pest control, refuse, facility operations and maintenance, etc. These contracts account for more than $1.5 billion annually. This significant and growing business area highlights the importance of efficiently acquiring these services in a manner that provides clients with better services at less cost. Topics include Acquisition Planning, Commercial Item Acquisitions, the FSC/BOS Template, Contract Types and Format, Performance Assessments, Labor Laws, Contract Modifications and Option Execution, and Contract Management and Administration.

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