This course has been designed to provide management and employees, civilian and military, with a better understanding of what EEO is and the laws, regulations and policies relating to the fair treatment of employees. Training topics include: an overview of EEO; Bases of Discrimination; Precomplaint/Formal EEO Complaint Process and EEO Alternative Dispute Resolution (EEO ADR); Individuals with Disabilities Program; Reasonable Accommodation and Workplace Assistance; Employment Rights; and Affirmative EEO Program and Policies. This training fulfills requirements defined by: 2019 DoD Managerial and Supervisory Learning and Evaluation Framework; NDAA 2010 Sec. 1113; 5 CFR 412.
DON Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Training
Duration: 79 Minutes
Training Subjects:
Mandatory Training
Web-based Training